Surrent and Friends @ Rokbar, Downtown Toledo, 20080112

Saturday was the big day.

I had my birthday party/show at Rokbar (formerly the Woodshed). Nine different acts gathered together to make noise and sound over the course of the night (and to celebrate, I hope.) We had everything from drawn out Pink Floyd-esque interludes to dense walls of sound to a dude playing his beard. I got WAY drunk towards the end of the night, but it was my birthday, so piss off! :)

I was hoping to record the whole night direct from the soundboard, but due to Rokbar's overly live sound, the sound guys normally don't mic any amps unless they are really small. Recording from the board would be useless. :( Thankfully, Dustin (A Useful Idiot) brought his video camera and recorded a few sets. Mine was one of them. Hurray!

Kari - Keyboards
Jake - Guitar
Steven - Bass

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